
  • Cast on 60 stitches on number 7 needles with double Anamur and knit 2 stocking sts and 2 knitting for 7cm.
  • Switch to needle number 8 and continue knitting for 40cm from the beginning.
  • Shot for armhole every two rows 3 point, 2 point and 1 point. 
  • Totaling 62cm from the beginning finish off the stitches.


  • Make the back 7 centimeters.
  • Switch to needle number 8 and make 4 inc along row, and knit the diamond in the center of the work (20 sts), braid 4 stitches, knit 4 stitches and 14 stitches on the sides in pattern.
  • Totaling 55 centimeters from the beginning, finish off the 10 central points and work each side separately, decreasing every two rows 4 point, 3 point, 2 point and 1 point.
  • Totalig 62 centimeters from the beginning, finish off the remaining stitches and make the other side.

  • Cast on 30 stitches on number 7 needles and knit 2 stocking sts and knit 2 x 9 centimeters.
  • Switch to needle number 8 and continue in pattern, making 1 inc on each side every 6 rows 8 times.
  • Totaling 43 centimeters from the beginning shot every two rows 3, 2 and 8 times 1 point.
  • Make the other sleeve the same.

Fantasy Point
  • 1st car and all odd ones - *1 sock, 1 knit.*, repeat from *to*;
  • 2nd car and all pairs - in knitting.

  • Sew one side of shoulder and pick up 70 st on number 7 needles, knit 2 stocking sts and 2 knit 2 x 15cm. 
  • Finish off the stitches.

  • Sew the other shoulder, collar, sleeves and sides of blouse.

  • 6 skeins of 100 grams of Anamur yarn, brand Coats Correntes Color: 00372 TEX: 460;
  • Knitting needles number 7 and 8;
  • Needle to sew;
  • Scissors;
  • Measuring tape.
  • L